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第48部分(第1/4 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 王者:御姐边路,全网顶不住了!地球数据化后,我在游戏里生活开局一颗定海珠,给我砸!全民领主:开局一座移动城NBA之格斗天赋加满超巨都慌了游戏神豪,我氪金多亿点怎么了?网游:蓝星online开局SSS级天赋,装备全是史诗海岛求生:真千金她为何总是霸榜进入FPS游戏并且火力无限游戏:靠吸收物品来升级的商人全民求生:我的蛇姐超级强规则怪谈:我天生反骨苟到最后开局扮演卡莎,老婆竟是我自己?网游:我的血量有亿点点多足球:开局马竞,成为门神爆币币币币币币币币币币币币币币施法永久加法强,我圣光百亿增幅重回半岛,拿下电竞女神乔丹,要不要和我学做老板?

Blair stared at her friend’s retreating back。 Her phone buzzed。


Blair blinked at the message。 What the fuck? Had Serena gotten the exact same message? She pulled herself out of the hot tub; threw on her dress; even though it was silk and would stain; and raced out of the party。

And who says all the drama happens at midnight?

Nate glanced up at the towering Tribeca Star Hotel; his hands jammed in his pockets; unsure whether or not to go in。 Part of him wanted to find Anthony or Charlie or any of the old St。 Jude’s guys; fire up a gigantic bong; and flirt with as many hot girls as he could; just to prove that he still had it in him。 The other part of him wanted to go back to his parents’ town house and sit in the living room and eat Jell…O pudding cups。 How was it that he’d sailed the world; learned how to milk cows; debated the arguments of all the Greek philosophers; and majored in American studies at an Ivy League university—but was still as confused as ever?

He’d texted Serena and Blair; but neither of them had responded。 Maybe he’d missed his chance with them。 He glanced up at the sky。 There were no stars; at least none that could be seen through the New York smog。 He just wished he had something to follow; some kind of sign。

Just then; one of the gold revolving doors whooshed open; and Serena burst out。 Her long blond hair was wet and pulled into a ponytail that stuck to the back of her leather coat。 She still looked gorgeous。

“Serena!” Nate exclaimed。 Was that his sign?

She smiled broadly。 “I got your text。” She threw her arms around him and pulled back。 Her teeth were chattering。

“Are you okay?” Nate asked。

“Just cold;” Serena said; and Nate pulled her closer 

午夜小娇妻:撒旦总裁买一送一康熙朝实录不良鲜妻有点甜爱你,是我做过最好的事(全文+番外)穿越六零小圆满重生之天价弃妇 作者:第五蓝邪