首页 > 游戏竞技 > 蓝色特快上的秘密-蓝色列车之谜-蓝色列车(英文版) > 第28部分

第28部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 网游:开局觉醒本源天赋活下去寻找生命的意义全息游戏:在游戏里当小地主全职高手之最强散人网游:开局觉醒无限技能点十级战力才破亿,请问我还有救吗高颜值狗命专家假千金下山替嫁,真大佬夜夜求卦足球生涯:从躺冠到成为传奇世界入侵:从元素召唤开始无敌联盟:选出艾希,Rita坏掉了网游:强化999,1级就无敌!琪亚娜第三人格网游:我用智商碾压你足球之开局躺个世界杯冠军队友带我嘎嘎乱鲨海岛,全民垂钓,我独获史诗天赋全民穿越,异界迷雾求生后室:新世界在现实与游戏中,寻回尘封的记忆

es not e from the criminal classes。〃

〃A Frenchman?〃

〃Yes。 At least we believe so。 But we are not sure。 He has worked in France; in England; in America。 There was a series of robberies in Switzerland last autumn which were laid at his door。 By all accounts he is a grand seigneur; speaking French and English with equal perfection and his origin is a mystery。〃

Poirot nodded and rose to take his departure。

〃Can you tell us nothing more; M。 Poirot?〃 urged the missary。

〃At present; no;〃 said Poirot; 〃but I may have news awaiting me at my hotel。〃

M。 Carrege looked unfortable。 〃If the Marquis is concerned in this …〃 he began; and then stopped。

〃It upsets our ideas;〃 plained M。 Caux。

〃It does not upset mine;〃 said Poirot。 〃On the contrary; I think it agrees with them very well。 Au revoir; Messieurs; if news of any importance es to me I will municate it to you immediately。〃

He walked back to his hotel with a grave face。 In his absence a telegram had e to him。 Taking a paper…cutter from his pocket; he slit it open。 It was a long telegram; and he read it over twice before slowly putting it in his pocket。 Upstairs; George was awaiting his master。

〃I am fatigued; Georges; much fatigued。 Will you order for me a small pot of chocolate?〃

The chocolate was duly ordered and brought; and George set it at the little table at his master's elbow。 As he was preparing to retire; Poirot spoke:

〃I believe; Georges; that you have a good knowledge of the English aristocracy?〃 murmured Poirot。

George smiled apologetically。

〃I think that I might say that I have; sir;〃 he replied。

〃I suppose that it is your opinion; Georges; that criminals are invariably drawn from the lower orders。〃

