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第51部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 网游:开局觉醒本源天赋活下去寻找生命的意义全息游戏:在游戏里当小地主全职高手之最强散人网游:开局觉醒无限技能点十级战力才破亿,请问我还有救吗高颜值狗命专家假千金下山替嫁,真大佬夜夜求卦足球生涯:从躺冠到成为传奇世界入侵:从元素召唤开始无敌联盟:选出艾希,Rita坏掉了网游:强化999,1级就无敌!琪亚娜第三人格网游:我用智商碾压你足球之开局躺个世界杯冠军队友带我嘎嘎乱鲨海岛,全民垂钓,我独获史诗天赋全民穿越,异界迷雾求生后室:新世界在现实与游戏中,寻回尘封的记忆

39 Paternoster Row:

November 28; 1894。

My dear Rider; — I will get hold of the Saturday Review and Spectator reviews of “Beatrice。” I have not heard anything from Liverpool yet about that person; but I will let you hear as soon as I can。 I will not write fully yet on the subject; but I may say that the idea that the character of Beatrice could lead someone into vice is preposterous。 Still less is the example of Bingham likely to throw an unnatural glamour over seduction: in the first place; he was man enough to resist temptation; in the next place; both he and Beatrice were most unmercifully punished。 Do not let this matter worry you。 I assure you there is nothing you need regret。

Longman also wrote:

Christmas Day; 1894。

I like the Preface to “Beatrice” much better as amended。 Lang is quite right: your feelings in the matter did infinite credit to your heart; but you disturbed yourself unnecessarily。 I am glad we inquired into that Liverpool story and pricked the bubble。 I will send you a review of the Preface。 I return Lang’s letter。

I have now found this letter of Lang’s to which Longman refers。 It is dated from St。 Andrews on December 20th; and begins:

You Confounded Ass。 The thing is Rot。 Don’t take it au serieux。 At least that is how it strikes me。 If you must say something; say what I leave in。 The novel seems to me perfectly devoid of moral harm。 There are sill hopes here that the Samoan story is a lie 'this refers to the death of Stevenson'。 It has caused me sincere grief; but; at fifty; one seems rather case…hardened。 However; don’t you go and leave the world before me。 R。 L。 S。 had as much pluck; and as kind a heart; as any man that ever lived; and extraordinary charm。

The “Liverpool story” to which L
