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第64部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 神级游戏,我独获超S级天赋!开局假太监,手持打龙鞭虐哭女帝!成为创世神,我打造系统一族全民转职:这个亡灵法师吸疯了王者:我就一替补,首发们都慌啥诡秘:和研究会斗争的日日夜夜逆天开局:变身萝莉的网游世界开局三个村民:我的帝国时代职业杀鬼子赚钱星际:每一只敌人都能让我变强同步游戏属性,我成为了全球最强全民海岛求生:我提前进入一年全球穿越,我在塔防游戏里成神多子多福,我在末世收女仆!让你打怪兽,你唤醒加坦杰厄?全民星海时代求生游戏:末世大佬玩嗨了从机械师开始无限转职重生天灾:我囤货虐渣称霸末世幻光四

such folk were supposed to haunt this very desert of which I was writing。

Imagine; therefore; my astonishment when; in a copy of his “Notes de Voyage” for 1909 which Sir Gaston Maspero kindly sent me — “The Way of the Spirit” was written in 1905 — I found the following passage:

Ces quatre…la sont…ils allies aux quatre afrites musiciens; deux joueurs de flute et deux joueurs de tambourin ou de darabouka; qui hantent le desert dans les memes parages? Ils jouent sur le passage des voyageurs et c’est toujours un mauvais presage que de les rencontrer: si on s’eloigne vite sans leur adresser la parole et; autant que possible; sans les regarder; on a quelque chance d’echapper au mauvais sort; sinon l’on est perdu。

It will be observed that here everything is the same; mise en scene; misfortune; all。 There is but one difference。 Of Sir Gaston’s afrites; or musical ghosts; there were four; of my wandering players; five。 I have added a third flutist by way of interest on the capital of the true legend。

Perhaps these examples of literary coincidence in my own books may suffice; though I think there are more。 Indeed I recall two in connection with “Heart of the World” and “Ayesha” respectively; which are curious enough in their way。 Also as I write it es back to me that there are yet two others which; as I am on the subject; I may as well state quite briefly。

The first of these is to be found in “Montezuma’s Daughter。” Here the hero; a certain Thomas Wingfield; is stated to have lived near Bungay in the reign of Elizabeth; and to have been a doctor by trade; having learned his business from another leech in this immediate neighbourhood。 After many adventures he dies here a rich man and leaves charities to the poor。 Certainly I did think it stra
