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第77部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 网游:开局觉醒本源天赋活下去寻找生命的意义全息游戏:在游戏里当小地主全职高手之最强散人网游:开局觉醒无限技能点十级战力才破亿,请问我还有救吗高颜值狗命专家假千金下山替嫁,真大佬夜夜求卦足球生涯:从躺冠到成为传奇世界入侵:从元素召唤开始无敌联盟:选出艾希,Rita坏掉了网游:强化999,1级就无敌!琪亚娜第三人格网游:我用智商碾压你足球之开局躺个世界杯冠军队友带我嘎嘎乱鲨海岛,全民垂钓,我独获史诗天赋全民穿越,异界迷雾求生后室:新世界在现实与游戏中,寻回尘封的记忆

ertain conditions can be put a stop to is of much weight ing from such a man; and the conclusion throws a light upon his character which would astonish many even in this country。

Office of Theodore Roosevelt;

The Outlook; 287 Fourth Avenue;

New York: June 28; 1912。

Dear Mr。 Haggard; — I have but a moment in which to answer your wele letter; as I am driven almost to death。 There are but a limited number of my own countrymen; among those of the highest education; who understand as you do just what I am striving for。 I suppose that as we grow older we naturally lose the natural feeling of young men to take an interest in politics just for the sake of strife — the same kind of interest one takes in big game hunting or football; the kind of interest quite patible with doing excellent work but which cannot inspire the highest kind of work。 As we get older; if we think seriously at all; and if we escape falling into a permanent Palmerstonian jauntiness of attitude; we cannot avoid being deeply and indeed painfully impressed with the tremendous problems of our social and industrial life。 To me politics and applied ethics ought to be interchangeable terms; and my interest in the former arises chiefly from my interest in the latter。 If the whole game is one of mere sound and fury; without any sincerity back of it; any real purpose of achievement; then it is all of as little importance as a contest between the blues and the greens in the Byzantine circus。 I am; I hope and believe; a practical man; and I abhor mere sentimentality; but I abhor at least as much the kind of so…called practical man who uses the word “practical” to indicate mere materialistic baseness; and who fails to see that while we of course must have a material and economic foundati
