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第85部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 神级游戏,我独获超S级天赋!开局假太监,手持打龙鞭虐哭女帝!成为创世神,我打造系统一族全民转职:这个亡灵法师吸疯了王者:我就一替补,首发们都慌啥诡秘:和研究会斗争的日日夜夜逆天开局:变身萝莉的网游世界开局三个村民:我的帝国时代职业杀鬼子赚钱星际:每一只敌人都能让我变强同步游戏属性,我成为了全球最强全民海岛求生:我提前进入一年全球穿越,我在塔防游戏里成神多子多福,我在末世收女仆!让你打怪兽,你唤醒加坦杰厄?全民星海时代求生游戏:末世大佬玩嗨了从机械师开始无限转职重生天灾:我囤货虐渣称霸末世幻光四

things as they are; awaiting the end with resignation; with terror; or with the callous indifference of despair; according to their individual temperaments。 Others start out on wild searches of their own。 They examine the remaining religions; they try spiritualism; they bring themselves; or so imagine; into some faint and uncertain touch with the dead; the Unseen and the Powers that dwell therein; only after all to return unsatisfied; unsettled; hungry — frightened also at times — and doubtful of the true source of their vision。 For in all these far seas they can find no sure; anchored rock on which to stand and defy the storms of Fate。 Those alien religions may suit and even be sufficient to the salvation of their born votaries; but to these philosophical inquirers they are not sufficient。 Moreover; they find that Christianity embodies whatever is true and good in every one of them; rejecting only the false and evil。 To take but one example; all; or very nearly all; of the beautiful rules and maxims of Buddha are to be found in the teaching of our Lord。 but there is this difference between the faiths they preached。 Whereas that of Buddha; as I understand it; is a religion of Death; holding up cessation of mundane lives and ultimate extinction as the great reward of virtue; Christianity is a religion of Life; of continued individual being; full; glorious; sinless and eternal; to be won by those who choose to accept the revelation of its Founder。 Who then can hesitate between the two? Who wishes to be absorbed into the awful peace of Nothingness? Why; such; without its precedent preparation; was the refuge of the Roman who opened his veins when things went wrong or Caesar frowned!

Thus it es about that these seekers after spiritual truth remain drifting to and
