首页 > 游戏竞技 > new moon(暮光之城-新月英文版) > 第8部分

第8部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 魔兽:狼人传叶凝薄寒年乔若星顾景琰重生:我回到了丧尸爆发的当天寒潮来袭:开局多子多福拿下女主播娇娇毒妃迷人眼,禁欲邪王被撩红了脸瓦:坏了,我成切割怪了!海彤战胤许雨晴沐长风江果果顾寒煜霍先生乖乖宠我末世降临,我左手红酒右手美男乔荞商陆逃荒三年抱俩,疯批权臣宠娇娇夏时陆南沉全球淹没:我囤出了一座城池带着塔罗牌穿越到孤岛求生网游:我的宠物能进化成美少女断绝关系后,法爷杀怪永久加属性开局领先一个天赋怎么输

depressed as I considered all the uninterrupted alone time。 If he could just

last through the school year;

Charlie wouldn't be able to object。 We could go away to college; or pretend

that's what we were doing;

like Rosalie and Emmett this year。 Surely Edward could wait a year。 What was a

year to an immortal? It

didn't even seem like that much to me。

I was able to talk myself into enough posure to handle getting out of the

truck and walking to the

store。 Mike Newton had beaten me here today; and he smiled and waved when I

came in。 I grabbed my

vest; nodding vaguely in his direction。 I was still imagining pleasant

scenarios that consisted of me running

away with Edward to various exotic locales。

Mike interrupted my fantasy。 〃How was your birthday?〃

〃Ugh;〃 I mumbled。 〃I'm glad it's over。〃

Mike looked at me from the corners of his eyes like I was crazy。

Work dragged。 I wanted to see Edward again; praying that he would be past the

worst of this; whatever

it was exactly; by the time I saw him again。 It's nothing; I told myself over

and over again。 Everything will

go back to normal。

The relief I felt when I turned onto my street and saw Edward's silver car

parked in front of my house

was an overwhelming; heady thing。 And it bothered me deeply that it should be

that way。

I hurried through the front door; calling out before I was pletely inside。

〃Dad? Edward?〃

As I spoke; I could hear the distinctive theme music from ESPN's SportsCenter

ing from the living


〃In here;〃 Charlie called。

I hung my raincoat on its peg and hurried around the corner。
