首页 > 游戏竞技 > new moon(暮光之城-新月英文版) > 第62部分

第62部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 神级游戏,我独获超S级天赋!开局假太监,手持打龙鞭虐哭女帝!成为创世神,我打造系统一族全民转职:这个亡灵法师吸疯了王者:我就一替补,首发们都慌啥诡秘:和研究会斗争的日日夜夜逆天开局:变身萝莉的网游世界开局三个村民:我的帝国时代职业杀鬼子赚钱星际:每一只敌人都能让我变强同步游戏属性,我成为了全球最强全民海岛求生:我提前进入一年全球穿越,我在塔防游戏里成神多子多福,我在末世收女仆!让你打怪兽,你唤醒加坦杰厄?全民星海时代求生游戏:末世大佬玩嗨了从机械师开始无限转职重生天灾:我囤货虐渣称霸末世幻光四

change。 Of course I love

you—and there's nothing you can do about it!〃

〃That's all I needed to hear。〃

His mouth was on mine then; and I couldn't fight him。 Not because he was so

many thousand times

stronger than me; but because my will crumbled into dust the second our lips

met。 This kiss was not quite

as careful as others I remembered; which suited me just fine。 If I was going

to rip myself up further; I

might as well get as much in trade as possible。

So I kissed him back; my heart pounding out a jagged; disjointed rhythm while

my breathing turned to

panting and my fingers moved greedily to his face。 I could feel his marble

body against every line of mine;

and I was so glad he hadn't listened to me—there was no pain in the world

that would have justified

missing this。 His hands memorized my face; the same way mine were tracing his;

and; in the brief seconds

when his lips were free; he whispered my name。

When I was starting to get dizzy; he pulled away; only to lay his ear against

my heart。

I lay there; dazed; waiting for my gasping to slow and quiet。

〃By the way;〃 he said in a casual tone。 〃I'm not leaving you。〃

I didn't say anything; and he seemed to hear skepticism in my silence。

He lifted his face to lock my gaze in his。 〃I'm not going anywhere。 Not

without you;〃 he added more


〃I only left you in the first place because I wanted you to have a chance at a

normal; happy; human life。 I

could see what I was doing to you—keeping you constantly on the edge of

danger; taking you away

from the world you belonged in; risking your life every moment
